I gave up on this in January and now im sitting at work thinking why I did. My life is hectic right now. One of my good friends just had a baby and well school starts in September! But before September hits i have a list of to do's:
1. Study for my accuplacer test (which im taking july 27 well possibly hopefully sooner)
2. Turn 18! well this should be 1 but oh well) JULY 24th!!
3. Drivers Liscense!
4. Save up the money!! For an aparment obvi!
5. Apply for a volunteer spot at the childrens hospital
Okay so there is more i just cant
think straight at the moment. But all in all I know how my scheduale will look like ina couple of months! School work volunteer bills bills bills oh and the gym!! cant forget the gym!! Then im trying to find a weekend job maybe reatil.... yes i know im killing myself over here but hey I was never one to be a couch potato!!
Oh cant forget the friends i have to throw in the friends somewhere in there!! oh and homework! fuck homework! I'll actually have to study when i go to college!
Ugh i miss high school! If i could go back I would!
I'll write those feelings in a little bit.
Till the next post.... STAY BEAUTIFUL!
Amee :D
ooh getting a tattoo yeah thats the one i was missing!