Monday, January 16, 2012


This is Chloe. Chloe was diagnosed with brain cancer last year. She fought for about 6 months. She passed away on December 30,2011. Her birthday is today January 16. She would have been four. Chloe was the smartest,nicest,and probably the prettiest little 3 year old I have ever met. Chloe did not deserve to die she did not deserve to go through all the pain she went through.  Her little brother does not deserve to grow up without his older sister.  Cancer took her away from us. We love her and miss her each and every day that goes on. Chloe deserved to live and make her dreams come true.

Monday, January 2, 2012

House repairs

Okay so today the siblings and I went and did some house work at one of my fathers houses. Let me just say that when doing house work its not a clean task especially if the people that rented your house were disgusting.  So I found out today that I fit under a sink yes a sink. My father gave me the task of painting  under the sink and well the end result was my hair all painted and my work paints became covered in some unusual gunk.  although it was a nasty job and let me say I have to go back for two other weeks because well the house needs some repairs,repairing the house makes me strong as a person because I :learn the so called man work it helps me be independent as a person well got to go eat I have worked up an appetite! (:

Stay beautiful!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New year

Happy new years everyone!!  Welcome 2012! I have my list do you have yours?  I'll post it up later today!  Till then stay beautiful! ( :